Powerful old white man demanding approval rightfully draw sneers.
Does it matter if below the surface cowers a helpless child in fear?
Little boy, frightened child.
His sense of security defiled.
On undependable adults he must rely.
Seeking reassurance, he gets no reply.
Beautiful accomplished women who must be constantly reassured.
Something about this to others seems really quite absurd.
She has compensated by succeeding in remarkable ways.
But she struggled to understand the world in her early days.
Perfect but unlikely match; the universe brought them together.
But their past will hold them back unless from it they become untethered.
The flame of love endures even as they try to blow it out.
Challenging each other to understand what it’s all about.
What will the future hold; will they crash and burn?
Can agitation transform them like butter in a churn?
Is their love enduring, or is it only a flash in the pan?
Is this what’s happens when man loves woman– and woman loves man?

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