This is a quote I wrote when I was 12; it has reminded me that live is worth living and it has given me great strength over the years.
Like the flicking flames around th… Everyone questions how you are And who you are as well They question your strength Your faith
If I were to go These would be my last words If I were to give in to my tempta… And fall at my own hands This is what I would say
I’ve never wanted anything extrava… Of course, that in itself is selfi… Selfish as the way I’ve memorized… I’ve been thinking, and that’s not… It’s not that I’m stupid; just me…
I don’t have anything going for me I’m a dead beat Soon to be drop out I have no job No money
I’m going to run away Far, far away I always run away I’m such a coward I always run away from my problems
You don’t know me You don’t know anything You have razors in your own eyes Don’t try to shed light in my own… You think you can read my own expr…
I realize as of now I never really knew you So I will clear my feet of dirt And lace up your own shoes But instead of placing the gun to…
You’re perfect, like the stars in… Like the gleaming dew in the sun s… Drifting so high off the ground The clouds around you must be your… The rain hitting the sidewalk on a…
Can you do it? Can you hold your head high? Can you lift up your hands and tou… Feel it, live it Take it all in
Do you think I want to live this… Constantly wishing I was able to… Constantly dreaming and hoping for… Always doubting myself; always uns… Which path is right, and which pat…
Let me tell you a story One you might recall quite well It’s one that I have never told I figure it’s time I finally tell When I was born
I’ve got passion in my hands Tension in my palms Tender fingertips I’ve got heart withdrawals My hands scrawl
Suffocating Breathless Boxed in Endless Days seem like nights
I’m not a perfect person I’m no living god I’m just walking on with what I’v… I haven’t a dime, not a nickel to… But I know how to play the fuckin…
I think this is how it should go But I’m really not sure I really don’t know It seems like my life has just bee… Ups and downs