The shadows are coming for me
They are at all corners of my eyes
Everywhere I look
They are in my mind
Why are they here
Oh great I’ve finally lost it
My thoughts are a train wreck
What’s my name, I must’ve forgot it
Did I ever have one?
Have I ever had a name?
Have I ever had a family?
Or a home I’ve misplaced?
What’s this feeling?
Wait what feeling?
I feel nothing
Absolutely nothing
I must be numb
Am I too weak to hold myself?
Or am I just too young?
Too small?
Too vulnerable?
Is it really just me?
Making myself miserable?
No one comes to look for me
I guess nobody wants me found
Maybe that’s why I’m here
Nobody wanted me around
But that doesn’t sound quite right
I think I’ve been loved
By a certain hand
By a certain touch
Maybe they miss me
Maybe they don’t
But I feel nothing
Nothing but cold
I’m trapped between light and dark
I’m in between sane and dead
But which way is the right way?
Which way should I step?
Am I really moving?
Ah what the hell
It doesn’t matter anyways
My soul is for sell
The shadows are coming for me
Maybe I’ve known this all along
It was just a matter of time
Something triggered it
My death certificate has been signed
Is my body floating?
I can’t tell if I have a body or not
Have I been found?
Or am I now lost?
How long has it been since I’ve seen the light?
How long have I been underground?
Am I buried deep?
Or am I being drowned?
I’ve lost it
Ah fuck it
What language do I speak?
What’s a language?
What’s a mind?
What’s a breath?
What’s a sigh?
What is everything?
What is nothing?
They’re coming
They are here
Right in front of me