You are my ray of sunshine
When all there is to be seen is rain
Monsters are real
They reside inside of us humans
And sometimes
They win
My darling
I am terrified of myself
I am terrified to let go
For even just a second
Even just a little bit
The existence of monsters
Has been believed upon since the very beginning
Legends as we call them
But legends are not always myths
Some humans are monsters
Some monsters are human
Some demons take control of those monsters
And make them do their bidding
I am afraid
I am a monster
Though it doesn’t seem like it
Looks can be deceiving
And I don’t want to deceive you
So I’ll say this loud and clear
I’ll warn you once
Don’t let me get out of control
Not with you
Not ever with you
Because if I am a monster
If I become a monster
I do not want to wreck havoc upon you
I do not wish my demise to mean yours as well