A VERY short quote; one of the shortest I've ever taken pride in.
What is normal When everyone sees normal differen… It is normal for some kids to leav… It is normal for those kids to com… And it is normal if those same kid…
When I’m done with everything and… I grab my headphones and blast awa… As the light fades with the settin… I lie in silence wide awake I wait for the sun to peak over th…
Music is life Music is love The air I breath My destiny All of these struggles
You’re so cold You’re so sharp You’re so smart So why is the light fading dark I love you the way you are
Even as the sky is falling Even though the end is near I’ll hold up the sky And make things clear I want you to see
I want to wrap my arms around you And weave my fingers through your… I want to caress your every crevic… And forget about my cares I want to wake up to your beautifu…
I think this is how it should go But I’m really not sure I really don’t know It seems like my life has just bee… Ups and downs
Zoe Jane Zoe Jane Morris Patrick James Patrick James Morris Gerard McDonnell
You’re just another blank face in… Like crowds of crowns are faceless… Buried beneath the fool’s golden w… Lies your hope of forgiveness As God is my witness
You’re not looking for something s… I’m not looking for games How could this ever be the same So what do you say now? I know how this shit’s played
You still walk across my mind Even though you hurt me the way th… The soles of your shoes continue t… My body is now refusing to live You broke my heart
Some things are getting better Some things are getting worse I will be alright, I will take my… When it comes to breaking free of… I have been waiting forever
Chained by locks, a faithful mans… It’s time to take a walk, through… Watching as others die and more go… Welcome to my world, my dark domai… Take another hit in a crowded cage…
Rain brings beauty to the earth Life brings peace to the lost If we cannot go forward What’s the point in going on Nobody desires to be alone