
Technology Zombie

It’s like we sacrificed our paradise.
We are the hosts for the merchandise parasites that come back to bite.
Technology Zombies.
I find trouble in what’s within.  
We can’t be satisfied with something if we can’t plug it in.
If it doesn’t contain buttons it’s nothing.
We no longer have ideas, we have charging symbols.
Light bulbs are old school.
The website is the only book we put our faces in.
We can’t speak it, but we can tweet it, or Photoshop tweak it because who we really are is a secret.  
People fought and died for our freedom of expression; our freedom to make a statement.
But, we choose to do so with a limit of 160 characters, including spaces.
Technology Zombies.
Modern Adam and Eve we are tempted by Apple products.
We have become droids for Droid.  Destroyed the minute these toys are deployed.
Our comfort zone is in the vicinity of a wifi connection.
Wherever we are connected to wifi we are disconnected from the world even though it is at our fingertips.
WIFI: where imbeciles find ignorance.
Home of the brave land of the free, promises dreams, but we chose to be trapped by these plastic screens.  
The most exercise we get is when we surf the web, but you will be surprised at what lies inside beware of river monsters, you’ll get catfished.
Technology Zombies.
We move in packs, faces in screens, in need
Of some brains.
We crave more.  Take a bite of that apple product and we are infected, addicted.
It spreads.  
Modern Adam and Eve we are tempted and we bite.  Just look at the symbol.
Trapped by the allure of these screens it’s all going to pass us by one day.
We won’t even notice.
Technology Zombies.  We just rot away.  Disintegrate decompose.  But, we stay alive, we’re plugged in.  Fuck it. We can only travel as far as our wifi connection is. Walking dead with an extension cord.  Technology Zombies.


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