Life’s obligations A daunting sea of turmoil With crest after crest I’ll hide in this briny shell Till the tide forgets my name
Busy decisions Like an endless moon cycle Such a waxing life
Just for a moment To glimpse from dusty pages A single white flash Tenuous seconds follow Until a roaring reply
Archaic toiling Through endless character streams To drown deeper still Beneath black and white waters Until I breathe symbolly
The darkest of nights It is on these nights I turn To these keys, clicking Fervently beyond reason Behind safely shadowed doors
The spotlight glares down Bright, bright, sight, sight My cloak swiftly surrounds White, White, Swish, Swish, The fabric shell billows but stays
To hide in plain sight Something we all yearn for, but Our differences Do not belong in the mud For mud cannot be polished
To grasp at the root This longing for the seasons Hidden deep, deep down To say it’s just “Natural,” Would only scratch the leaf-tops
Such sweet aroma Breathe in the color deeply Exhale precious wafts Crisp Citric spiral peelings, Fill my compost disposal
A soft fluttering A pulse that pushes beyond Beating of the heart Oh to express the joys of, A soap opera here and there
Words without meaning An open mouth seems empty Trying to express Something that dances lightly Forefront of a clouded heart
Such an empty sky Countless pensive glances are Over and over Swallowed swift, before their time If only I could keep them
My White Cloak Part one: Place Entering day by day (1) Into a place to grow and stay Into the foundational walls of old
Howling and wailing Like the vast October winds Delightful to find Many who share the same chord Sing till frogs jump in our throat…
To puddle one’s words Few are willing to admit Myself least of all To fall and land upon earth Closer to Earth than before?