I guess it’s about that time again time for another pointless relapse Time, like a dusty album record Spinning, around and around on end I want the needle to break or veer…
Tiny flashing lights Figures entwine together Closer and closer ‘closer than ever’ they say Beside our computer screens
The words are muffled and shifting… The pounding won’t stop, the fraye… I hold onto a thread, a little blu… The tension is mine; it is a pain… Frenzied energy drains from my fin…
Just for a moment To glimpse from dusty pages A single white flash Tenuous seconds follow Until a roaring reply
A sudden rain flux A faintly calling whisper To turn off eyelids Yet I cannot shake my dream For just another hour
Bickering tree frogs Endless croaking back and forth Dream a soothing song One where two branches can meet In this capital forest
Twelve in numbered spin Once reaching double digits Feel the crisp brisk sweeps Sudden gentle remainders Subtle breath of orange array
A soft fluttering A pulse that pushes beyond Beating of the heart Oh to express the joys of, A soap opera here and there
The darkest of nights It is on these nights I turn To these keys, clicking Fervently beyond reason Behind safely shadowed doors
A midst cold classrooms Seemingly short dialect Audio-connect Slowly frozen hearts will drip As conversations bubble
A blank white tablet Fuzzy buzzing silences Click, click, click, and yet That single black divider keeps Blinking an endless cycle
The spotlight glares down Bright, bright, sight, sight My cloak swiftly surrounds White, White, Swish, Swish, The fabric shell billows but stays
Anticipation Generic butterflies swarm Twists, knots, fluttering They find no golden nectar Only number two pencils
Such sweet aroma Breathe in the color deeply Exhale precious wafts Crisp Citric spiral peelings, Fill my compost disposal
A natural fog Too tired to remember Dowsing memories Broken alarm clock weeping Woe be to his faint tick, tock