I guess it’s about that time again time for another pointless relapse Time, like a dusty album record Spinning, around and around on end I want the needle to break or veer…
Such sweet aroma Breathe in the color deeply Exhale precious wafts Crisp Citric spiral peelings, Fill my compost disposal
Tonight I awoke to an orange hori… one that I had never greeted befor… It took me back, to the days of ce… and disregard for the ticking of c… Part two:
The end of the road A distance we all travel Darkness as moonlight Spreads over stone and flowers That litter our path ahead
A midst cold classrooms Seemingly short dialect Audio-connect Slowly frozen hearts will drip As conversations bubble
Such an empty sky Countless pensive glances are Over and over Swallowed swift, before their time If only I could keep them
A sudden waking From formless blinking through dre… Please, just one more year! Surprised to glance the moon’s fac… An hour before her phase
I pray for the day When my mind is clear Silence, sweet silence Schemes and impulses forgone To live without a shadow
Bickering tree frogs Endless croaking back and forth Dream a soothing song One where two branches can meet In this capital forest
Delicate surprise From behind blind-folded eyes That glint of glitter Sprinkle, sprinkle, floating down We reach out, we grasp, we drink
Distractions of youth Parade like bright spring flowers Always on the mind Entangling my weak heart To the land of mud and ice
A natural fog Too tired to remember Dowsing memories Broken alarm clock weeping Woe be to his faint tick, tock
The darkest of nights It is on these nights I turn To these keys, clicking Fervently beyond reason Behind safely shadowed doors
Busy decisions Like an endless moon cycle Such a waxing life
Flickering between The realms of light and shadow Why not close the shades? Sleep’s alluring charm welcomes Despite such early hours!