Robyn Todd

granddaughter– grandson.

when will you see past the word "trans", and realise that i am still me?

I’ll be the grandson you always wanted.
I’ll stand in the garden and marvel at your plants,
none of which I can pronounce.
I’ll help you with the sunday roasts,
“yes, these are the best roasties yet”.
I’ll watch as you shave your beard off,
covering my own chin with shreds of tissue,
just like you taught me.
I’ll sit and build lego with you every  boxing day,
and we will probably bicker about which piece is which,
as always.
I don’t quite know when I went from the grandson you always wanted,
to the one you turned away.
(I’m the same person I always was, the same person you loved)
please let me stay the grandson you always wanted .

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