“Hae ye heard whit ma auld mither’… It fair maks me hamesick,” says P… “And whit did she send ye?” says… As he cockit his rifle and bleezed… “A haggis! A Haggis!” says Priva…
Heed me, feed me, I am hungry, I… Boughs of balsam, slabs of cedar,… Heap them on me, let me hug them t… Roaring, soaring up to heaven as a… Bring me knots of sunny maple, sil…
I must not let my boy Dick down, Knight of the air. With wings of light he won renown Then crashed somewhere. To fly to France from London town
The leaves are falling one and one… Each like a life to me, As over—soonly in the sun They spiral goldenly: So airily and warily
I never thought that Bill could s… A proper prayer; 'Twas more in his hard—bitten way To cuss and swear; Yet came the night when Baby Ted
The cruel war was over—oh, the tri… We watched the troops returning, t… There was triumph, triumph, triump… And you scarce could hear the musi… And you scarce could see the house…
O’er the dark pines she sees the s… And in the west, all tremulous, a… And soothing sweet she hears the m… Of cow—bells jangled in the fields… Quite listless, for her daily sten…
Six bulls I saw as black as jet, With crimsoned horns and amber eye… That chewed their cud without a fr… And swished to brush away the flie… Unwitting their soon sacrifice.
Rhyme—Smith Oh, I was born a lyric babe (That last word is a bore — It’s only rhyme is astrolabe," Whose meaning I ignore.)
For five and twenty years I’ve ru… A famous train; But now my spell of speed is done, No more I’ll strain My sight along the treadless track…
He sleeps beside me in the bed; Upon my breast I hold his head; Oh how I would that we were wed, For he sails in the morning. I wish I had not been so kind;
That scathing word I used in scor… (Though half a century ago) Comes back to me this April morn, Like boomerang to work me woe; Comes back to me with bitter blame
I to a crumpled cabin came upon a hillside high, And with me was a withered dame As weariful as I. “It used to be our home,” she said…
Said she: 'Although my husband Ji… Is with his home content, I never should have married him, We are so different. Oh yes, I know he loves me well,
Up from the evil day Of wattle and of woad, Along man’s weary way Dark Pain has been the goad. Back from the age of stone,