Let us have birthdays every day, (I had the thought while I was sh… Because a birthday should be gay, And full of grace and good behavin… We can’t have cakes and candles br…
Black ants have made a musty mound My purple pine tree under, And I am often to be found, Regarding it with wonder. Yet as I watch, somehow it;s odd,
I sought the trails of South and… I wandered East and West; But pride and passion drove me for… And would not let me rest. And still I seek, as still I roam…
There once was a limpet puffed wit… Who said to the ribald sea: “It isn’t I who cling to the rock… It’s the rock that clings to me; It’s the silly old rock who hugs m…
(He speaks.) Walking, walking, oh, the joy of w… Swinging down the tawny lanes with… Striding up the green hills, throu… Swishing through the woodlands whe…
One day the Great Designer sought His Clerk of Birth and Death. Said he: “Two souls are in my tho… to whom I gave life—breath. I deemed my work was fitly done,
A fat man sat in an orchestra stal… As he gazed at the primadonna tall… “Oh don’t you remember” he murmure… When hand in hand we used to go to… Ah me those days so gay and glad,…
If we could roll back History A century, let’s say, And start from there, I’m sure th… Would find things as to—day: In all creation’s cosmic range
In idle dream with pipe in hand I looked across the Square, And saw the little chapel stand In eloquent despair. A ruin of the War it was,
“Carry your suitcase, Sir?” he sa… I turned away to hide a grin, For he was shorter by a head Than I and pitiably thin. I could have made a pair of him,
“Flowers, only flowers—bring me da… Blossoms for forgetfulness,” that… So we sacked our gardens, violets… Lilies white and bluebells laid we… Soft his pale hands touched them,…
“I’m taking pen in hand this night… My poor old fingers tremble so, my… And even with my glasses on I’m t… You’d little know your mother, boy… You mind how brisk and bright I w…
You say I am the slave of Fate Bound by unalterable laws. I harken, but your words I hate, Your damnable Effect and Cause. If there’s no hope for happy Chan…
Because back home in Tennessee I was a champeen shot, They made a sniper outa me An’ ninety krouts I got: I wish to Christ I’d not!
Where once with lads I scoffed my… The landlord’s lass I’ve wed. Now I am lord and master here;— Thank God! the old man’s dead. I stand behind a blooming bar