Robert W. Service

Profane Poet

Oh how it would enable me
To titillate my vanity
If you should choose to label me
A Poet of Profanity!
For I’ve been known with vulgar slang
To stoke the Sacred Fire,
And even used a word like 'hang’,
Suggesting ire.
Yea, I’ve been slyly told, although
It savours of inanity,
In print the ladies often show
A failing for profanity.
So to delight the dears I try,
And often in the past
In fabricating sonnets I
Have fulminated: ‘Blast!’
I know I shock the sober folk
Who doubt my lyric sanity,
And readers of my rhyme provoke
By publishing profanity,
But oh a hale and hearty curse
Is very dear to me,
And so I end this bit of verse
With d—and d—and d—!

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