He’s yonder, on the terrace of the… The little wizened Spanish man, I… He’s sitting with his Pernod on h… He’s staring at the passers with h… He never takes his piercing eyes f…
My boy’s come back; he’s here at l… He came home on a special train. My longing and my ache are past, My only son is back again. He’s home with music, flags and fl…
Oh Lip—Stick Liz was in the biz,… She had a lot of fancy rags, Of h… She had a man, a fancy man, His n… And he used to beat her up because… Now Lip—Stick Liz she loved her…
One day the Great Designer sought His Clerk of Birth and Death. Said he: “Two souls are in my tho… to whom I gave life—breath. I deemed my work was fitly done,
I love the cheery bustle Of children round the house, The tidy maids a—hustle, The chatter of my spouse; The laughter and the singing,
Oh, have you forgotten those after… With riot of roses and amber skies… When we thrilled to the joy of a m… And I sought for your soul in the… I would love you, I promised, for…
I often wonder how Life clicks because They don’t make women now Like Mammy was. When broods of two or three
Moko, the Educated Ape is here, The pet of vaudeville, so the post… And every night the gaping people… To see him in his panoply appear; To see him pad his paunch with dai…
I’m just a mediocre man Of no high—brow pretence; A comfortable life I plan With care and commonsense. I do the things most people do,
They must not wed the Doctor said… For they were far from strong, And children of their marriage bed Might not live overlong. And yet each eve I saw them pass
God dwells in you; in pride and sh… In all you do to blight or bless; In all you are of praise and blame… In beauty or in ugliness. “Divine Creation” —What a fraud!
All day he lay upon the sand When summer sun was bright, And let the grains sift through hi… With infantile delight; Just like a child, so soft and fai…
My lead dog Mike was like a bear; I reckon he was grizzly bred, For when he reared up in the air Ho over—topped me by a head. He’d cuff me with his hefty paws,
I loved to toy with tuneful rhyme, My fancies into verse to weave; For as I walked my words would ch… So bell—like I could scarce belie… My rhymes rippled like a brook,
As I was saying . . . (No, thank… Cows weren’t allowed in the trench… As I was saying, our Colonel leap… “Come on, lads!” he shouts, “and w… Then some bally thing seemed to tr…