My Dog 'Twas in a pub just off the Stran… When I was in my cups, There passed a bloke with in his h… Two tiny puling pups;
Why am I full of joy although It drizzles on the links? Why am I buying Veuve Cliquot, And setting up the drinks? Why stand I like a prince amid
I’m gatherin’ flowers by the waysi… I’ve sneaked away from the billet,… ‘E’d call me a silly fat’ead, and… To see me ’ere in the cornfield, w… For Jim and me we are rough uns,…
The Elders of the Tribe were grou… And squatted in the Council Cave; They seemed to be extremely pooped… And some were grim, but all were g… The subject of their big To—do
There are strange things done in t… By the men who moil for gold; The Arctic trails have their secr… That would make your blood run col… The Northern Lights have seen que…
The meal was o’er, the lamp was li… The family sat in its glow; The Mother never ceased to knit, The Daughter never slacked to sew… The Father read his evening news,
“The North has got him.”—Yukonism… I tried to refine that neighbor of… I grieved for his fate, and early… I gave him excuse, I bore his abu… I swore to prevail; I camped on h…
I thought I would go daft when Jo… He was my first, and wise beyond h… For nigh a hundred nights I cried… Until my weary eyes burned up my t… Willie and Rosie tried to comfort…
I haven’t worn my evening dress For nearly twenty years; Oh I’m unsocial, I confess, A hermit, it appears. So much moth—balled it’s but away,
They asked the Bard of Ayr to din… The banquet hall was fit and fine, With gracing it a Lord; The poet came; his face was grim To find the place reserved for him
I’m scared of it all, God’s truth… It’s too big and brutal for me. My nerve’s on the raw and I don’t… For all the “hoorah” that I see. I’m pinned between subway and over…
The Sergeant of a Highland Reg— —Iment was drilling of his men; With temper notably on edge He blest them every now and then. A sweet old lady standing by,
Says I to my Missis: “Ba goom, l… Says she: “You are right, Sam, I… A Boil as ‘ud make Job jealous.… Says I: “Go to ‘ospittel, Missis… Says she: “I just 'ate to be show…
With belly like a poisoned pup Said I: ‘I must give bacon up: And also, I profanely fear, I must abandon bread and beer That make for portliness they say;
An olive fire’s a lovely thing; Somehow it makes me think of Spri… As in my grate it over—spills With dancing flames like daffodils… They flirt and frolic, twist and t…