Robert W. Service

A Domestic Tragedy

Clorinda met me on the way
As I came from the train;
Her face was anything but gay,
In fact, suggested pain.
“Oh hubby, hubby dear!” she cried,
“I’ve awful news to tell. . . .”
“What is it, darling?” I replied;
“Your mother —is she well?”
“Oh no! oh no! it is not that,
It’s something else,” she wailed,
My heart was beating pit—a—pat,
My ruddy visage paled.
Like lightning flash in heaven’s dome
The fear within me woke:
“Don’t say,” I cried, “our little home
Has all gone up in smoke!”
She shook her head. Oh, swift I clasped
And held her to my breast;
“The children! Tell me quick,” I gasped,
“Believe me, it is best.”
Then, then she spoke; 'mid sobs I caught
These words of woe divine:
“It’s coo—coo—cook has gone and bought
A new hat just like mine.”

Autres oeuvres par Robert W. Service...
