Poor Richard who became the whippee,
saw his beloved at first as far as he could see,
her innocuous smiles and amusing demeanor,
and nothing else to hold back between her.
His proposal to her was his first spoken word,
the quickest proposal that she had ever heard.
When she said yes she sharpened up her whip.
So Poor Richard’s lesson on love was a crazy trip.
He was whipped for stirring her coffee too fast,
for not washing the dishes right away but last,
for not running to his chores but walking instead,
nothing to look forward to in their many days ahead.
But what about slipping some arsenic in her coffee?
a good plan for a whipper from a scheming whippee,
or going on a hike and pushing her fat ass off a cliff?
or calling for an avalanche to bury her in a snowdrift?
or none of the above and don’t marry her?
get in a time machine and go back and recur?
but DON’T propose to her again,
and live a happy life until the very end.