, by Robert Murray
Robert L. Martin

Virgin Navigation

Waters of the primal clouds so pure
like the birth of a symphonic overture
a high thought by the God up above
up above the flight of a sky-bound dove
the clashing of the winds so hot and cold
as the nervous clouds begin to roll
an omnipotent intelligence as a foundation
composing a system for a reliable navigation
a simple result of a master plan executed
of the lazy stubborn air being uprooted
a forming of the virgin waters to fall down
through the readied skies to the virgin ground
as virginal at birth and pure as a mother’s milk
and woven as soft as the finest silk
losing its virginity as it sinks into the earth
seeping into the ground with spunk and mirth
then mixing in with the old impure waters
under the authority of their botanical fathers
nutrients for the grapes in the healthy vineyards
and the grasses and flowers in the manicured yards
from virgin skies to clouds to virgin navigation
to the falling and to the subsequent vegetation
as life longs for itself through a complex system
from our Master of creation, again and again.

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