Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin



As the heavy night weighed upon my eyelids, sleep became my only solace.  My consciousness ceased to guide me as my spirit sped toward the land of dreams.  My deep slumber put me on a pedestal while my worshipers kept chanting my name, as if I were their God.  My sudden notoriety had placed me in a bewildered state which I had no control of.  I, myself, became my own idol of worship, and my devotees were placed at my disposal.  Logic, firmly entrenched in reason, entered my dream as it turned the pages of history.  He who rises from no compassion or spiritual development, falls from no knowledge of their relevance.  My dreams taught me to never lose sight of reality, the way it plants my feet on the ground and teaches me to be worthy of what I inherit.

Altre opere di Robert L. Martin...
