Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

The Fueling

Glassy waters, tranquil mood,
Deep sea furnaces, heated environs,
Air of the Nautical Gods,
Hymns of the sleepy giants,
Dreams of the lazy summers,
Asleep in the bowels of the sea,
Too complacent, too warm,
Danger lurking in future’s unfolding,
Engines waking up, yawning,
Revving up, rising up,
Chomping at the bit,
Approaching the fragile wind,
Fueling an uprising,
Chanting battle songs in its ears,
Pulling it by the horns,
Increasing its velocity
Pushing it toward the shore,
Ravaging the tender forests,
Uprooting the trees and
Playing with the houses
Until the wind gets tired
And goes to slee-ee-e-e-p———.

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