Robert L. Martin

The Fate of the Idle

Everyone wants to feel something inside to give them a feeling of accomplishment; God’s will in them to be productive in some way. Deep down inside, everyone wants to keep that feeling; hence; the joy it gives them to be connected to it; that mysterious voice inside their subconscious to motivate them to succeed. Some say it is God speaking to them, and some say not. Nevertheless, it is undeniably something inside that they can and want to feel.
If they try to ignore it, they can’t. Even if they sit idle, there is that tenacious spirit inside that wants to be recognized and felt. The adrenaline in all of us keeps flowing no matter what we do. Some recognize the connection that God the creator has to it. They learn the safe and diligent way to feel it. It gives them the strength to apply their talents and further themselves through life.
Almost everyone feels the surge of the adrenaline, the spirit moving through their charity. When they give something, they feel it flowing stronger. It is that communal spirit in the flowing that gives them a sense of goodwill and belonging.
For the idler to feel a sense of belonging, the good adrenaline has no authority in their chosen lifestyle. They want to feel it, but not the way they were created to. To feel a sense of worth, they do it in their own way. They choose not to work with it and utilize its intentions, but make it come to them. They feel the adrenaline through the power over others. Intimidation forces others to look up to them for fear of their own life. If the intimidator was left alone, he would have no one to recognize him.
The fate of the idler is a crossroads of their own choosing. The road taken decides if the good adrenaline inside has any influence or not. To be living up to God’s expectations is to take the road that was implanted by him through creation.

In God’s image, DNA and all we exist. Body and spirit. Good and bad we divide the world around us. Circumstances lead some to paths inglorious others to glorious. God given adrenaline takes the backside unfortunately throughout history. Well said Robert. Thanks. Like.

Interesting reflection... I cant help wondering, It is not that simple though... every culture has its intimidation style representatives... it comes with some of us. Perhaps we can just choose, whether one adrenaline or the other... perhaps we can just change through our lifetime which way we are going to take... hawk or pigeon... even more, you can be one with someone, the other with another... I can only be grateful for my own selection... Nice to read these words...

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