Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

The Dissolution

A river by name becomes no river.
Its name stays engraved in the
river banks, its permanent home.
It loses its identity
when it reached the sea
and becomes a segment
of a larger body of water
like a child lost in the wilderness,
a lost soul among the multitudes,
the dissolving of a once proud heritage,
the royal naming of a body of water,
a noble flowing thru’ the emerald hills,
nature’s charm for the eyes of the heart,
a picture of splendor on the move
reflecting the light of the sun
as it dances around the rocks,
gurgling sounds of music
with its rhythmic splashing,
a symphony composed by nature,
a sometimes wild and
sometimes subdued theme throughout,
a running of manic extremities,
of crashing sounds and deep sighs,
of angry highs and tranquil lows,
restless waterfalls and level resting,
a river of the drama of life,
of sadness, of bliss, of love, of spite,
of its passion flowing
through the river banks
on its way to its obliteration,
its tranquilizing by the vastness
of the overwhelming sea,
the equalizer of the extremities,
the blending of the rivers
into one body,
the losing of its proud heritage
running to its dissolution,
its demotion among the ranks
with its name still engraved
in the banks of the river.

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