Fancy Schmancy bottles equipped With a cap conundrum, With a secret as to the twisting. How shalt thou twist it off If he can’t get to the twister?
Over the coals and through the woo… Went he, in the days of an enchant… When her skirts went up, so did he… Drowning in her smiles and every m… Entering her dreams when she slept…
From far below flowery bushes and exotic plants that breathe with the wind and sun, rocks and boulders built mountains and circumvented the earth in their preparation for life and veget...
Dear God. What I see and hear caught up in the maze called modern civilization, are dreams created for mankind by man himself. They are suspended between two worlds and torn apart by ...
Stay by Me Since through the night we drew ou… Tell me love, are you a tired trav… The houses that you visited are on… Do you have any desire to stop and…
The elders of the church held their meeting last night to discuss whether or not to let gay people join the church. Some said that homosexuality goes against the laws of nature and it...
When the skin feels like a searing… When nature caters to the devil’s… When the cool down feels like year… We’d sell our souls for a cold wat… To feel that soothing coldness on…
The Christmas Truce of 1914 was a brief, spontaneous cease-fire between British and German soldiers on Christmad Eve and Christmas Day during World War 1. The soldiers on opposite sides...
You are: A replica of God’s handiwork, A generation of life’s longing for… Endowed with an undiscovered beaut… With a skin that protects and attr…
Giants of the mysterious waters rolling in from the ocean floors, eternal motion of the ancient engi… children of the Neptunian Gods in their perpetual playing,
The bar up in the highest highland… where perfection earned its keep with its gold medals glistening in… and its feet entrenched in pride, the pride of wisdom earned
Slicing through the naked branches of winter’s hollow forest, the wind, the exotic language, a fanfare to the song of winter, a prelude to the soul of the seaso…
Close to the sound I long to be where I can touch and feel the music’s pulse
From the soft cushiony life of pleasant thoughts and dreams, of life laying out on a silver pla… of riches settling in the palate with it’s sweet breath
When joy is planned through an earthly conscious effort, the pleasure from it is limited to a cultivated response and not from a natural stimulus, such as feeling the grace of God withi...