Robert L. Martin

The Connection

The spirit within, that sacred place,
Secrets of heaven, written upon the face,
Where beauty and knowledge avail themselves
To whom shall seek, ringing in the bells.
“I am those words thrown away on purpose,
Gone but not forever, rising to the surface.”
Solitude is a lonely peace, looking through windows,
Sheltered in cathedrals where the spirit grows.
Beautiful words flowing from sacred crests,
Up where skies are busy and where heaven rests,
Looking down at empty souls through teary eyes,
To be gathered in a satchel, the words of the wise.
“Poets of the sacred order, take heed.
Take to the heavens as you mount your steed.
I’ll give you my thoughts as you search the skies.
You’ll find the connection where beauty lies.
Heaven and earth bind together on your ride.
Laudations draw near when you look inside.
Your soul is a garden with the jasmine growing,”
So sayeth sweet hidden voices in their rising.
“The throne of beauty is yours to inherit,
To fill your bones with a resounding merit.
Words come at you from an exotic world
With familiar lines but so gracefully curled.
They bind your heart with golden strings about
And flood your soul with a triumphant shout.
Hail to the poet! sweet sounds of sacred talk.
Lift your head high on your spiritual walk,
For thou art a master, a slave, and a lover,
Up where heaven abodes and angels hover.
Into the midst of storied clouds in their swirl
As you shut the door to the familiar world.
You reached the connection where beauty sings,
Riding into dreams on the angels’ wings,
Breaking down rhetoric into a lyrical verse,
Where love, passion, and dreams immerse.
Thou sainted poet, you live among the few
Who gather at the river in the Almighty’s view.
You can declare yourself a poet by God,
Walking forth with thy staff and thy rod
With beauty whispering words in your ear,
As new thoughts and revelations come clear.
There is a burning bush deep down inside
With the lore of the heavens in the flame.
Put down your fears and let your spirit ride.
There’s a new you to lift up and acclaim.
A poet, by God, one anointed such as thee.”

as featured in the anthology book, "The Connection" GLVWG

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