Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Rivers Flowing

Rivers Flowing
The journey to the sea at length
Dashing forth, flirting with the rocks
No time to stop and think
Life is always on the move
Looking for a leveling to appear
Exhausted from constant running
Breathing is to lie still and relax
Until being rousted by heavy surges
Then it’s down the hill again
A quiet brook never rests
The feeble becomes the mighty again
Waving proud banners on the way
Onto mysterious places never seen
Chartered by unforgiving river beds
Rising up to the challenge
Laughing over steep cliffs
Until the sea comes into view
The end is nearing, the fun is leaving
Merriment can only be temporary
Life always levels off into complacency
When the proud river loses its name
And becomes lost among the tides

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