Robert L. Martin


Over your dark wet skies we search
Above the sunken ships and treasures we sail
Our blind rudders forever turning in circles
Navigation becomes a strayed goose in flight
We hope, we pray, we move, we wander
A frantic venture into the unknown
You lie composed in your natural state
Thinking is a distant island too far from home
We cry and shiver in the blinding snows
Battered by raging seas and the devil’s sweat
We cast our pods down to your contented world
To deceive and roust you from your homes
You are the fruits of the Bering Sea
You beautify sumptuous buffets with your
Carcasses soaked in butter and lemon
You sacrifice yourselves so that we can eat
For the law of nature that
Delivered you unto us
We shall also succumb to a
Mightier power in due time
Please forgive us, Opilio crabs

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