Big business with their swollen heads
Touching purity with their greedy hands
Dressing up the music in ten dollar bills
Evaluating quality by popular sentiment
Limiting the artistic diversity in music to
Only one aspect, the blatant one that even
The tone deaf can understand, the
Ones who can afford to buy the music
Supply and demand
That old familiar economical nemesis
Catering to those who do not know
If the music needs to progress
And don’t even care if it ever will
Finding what moves them
And belaboring the sound while
Hammering it into their open heads
Until they become complacent and numb
Catering to that numbness
With more of the same music as
The deaf is being led by the insensitive
Sensitivity draws you in to hear and
Digest every aspect of the music
Big business forces you to listen
To only one aspect, the noisy one
And puts a price on that
Beautiful priceless thing
Called music
That music that’s now called noisic