Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Man of Song

Man of ardor and man of song,
Man of iron and man of velvet,
Who throws his heart and soul,
Loves and hates, arms and legs
Into the storied depths of the song,
Catching up to its demands with his voice,
Living through life’s dramas and exaltations,
Singing while the fire is fired up,
The kindling kindled,
And the flame inflamed,
Walking over the coals with bare feet,
Consorting with the Gods on high,
Floating in space with celestial bodies,
Suspended between the air and the air,
Peering into the eyes of the almighty,
Feeling his breath against his cheek,
Seeing heaven unveil its deep mysteries,
Hearing wisdom speaking in many tongues,
Opting to stay in his state of rapture
Or return to earth with a new mind,
An ending to his eternal story in song
That pleads to remain timeless,
But timelessness must be
Broken into segments
And endings must follow the rules.
Celestial bodies must fall back to earth,
The thunder must get tired,
Poets must obey life’s terrestrial demands,
And singers must go back into the drama,
The life that he once knew,
Even though the story eternalized him
And his tears stayed with him,
The story had to calm down to a halt.
Oh, what a song he sang.
Oh, what a song he sang.

I wrote this after seeing "Uche" sing on the show "American Idol." Too me, he was the best of all the contestants, even better than Alejandro. He not only sang the song, but he lived through it while singing.

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