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Robert L. Martin

In the Trenches

In the Trenches
We fought to go ahead in the game
If we lose we can take all the blame
We came from behind so its twelve to ten
Gotta’ hold’em they need a field goal to win
Two minutes to go on their twenty
Time on their side it is plenty
Don’t give’em a third down conversion
Their offensive line our subversion
Strength verses strength we fight in the trenches
Snorting nostrils breathe war-like stenches
Get to the quarterback I know we can
Disrupt his timing we stick to the plan
In the trenches we muscle about
Intimidation’s our motto we shout
Football’s not for the faint of heart
Reckless abandonment how’s that for a start?
When the clock ran down to zero
We looked around to find our hero
Our defensive line we’re so resplendent
On their twenty is where the game ended

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