Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

In Desperation

For the lovelorn and the lonely,
Equipped with the capacity of love,
Filled with goodness and charity,
Following the course of love
Leading up to its consummation,
The participation of friendship,
The dawning of familiarity,
The joy of intimacy,
The releasing of sexual desires,
Navigating the perilous rivers of love
In untested vessels
As a child lost in the wilderness
With an open heart and a trusting mind,
Of giving and not receiving,
An attempt to change lovers
Into being something that they aren’t,
Deprived of love’s reciprocation,
Emptied of love’s vital flowing,
Being lost in the sea of love,
An escape from the
Loneliness to the loneliness,
Another futile search for
Love’s reciprocation,
A submission to love’s unfairness,
Giving into a manufactured love,
Of an imaginary reciprocal lover,
As the desperation continues
Until there is no more love to give,
And the lovelorn becomes
The selfish lover to
Another child of love.

Altre opere di Robert L. Martin...
