Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin


Doodads abounding piling on top
swirling around the literati world
conundrums accumulating
piling on conundrums
the maze of the cell phone doodads
high flying buttons
intelligence running amuck
bamboozling mystifying pompous
selfish egocentric conceited
highfalutin flying high too high
planet earth disconnected
launching pads lost in the launching
conundrums gaining speed
flying higher than high
over the humans the heads
the intellects the sages
the earth the stars the planets
the feet of the super duper loopers
circling around a circle
looking for the end
the human on the cell phone
trying to find the launching pad
how to make a phone call

I remember the day when telephones were meant to just make a phone call, not to find out the price of eggs in China.

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