Caricamento in corso...
Robert L. Martin

Close to the Sound

Close to the sound
I long to be
where I can touch
and feel the
music’s pulse
with my ears fastened
to its outer walls,
my heart pleading
to run inside
and make it a part of me,
to feel it melting inside of me,
to feel its supple texture,
to hear it breathing,
its lungs expanding
to the corners of the earth,
its gentle waves rolling,
speaking in boisterous
and gentle tones,
its spirit engulfing me,
telling me to set myself free,
commanding me to dance,
sending thrills to my spine,
my feet, my skin, my loins,
speaking in tomes
the secret language of the spirit
melted down into celestial sighs,
pulses of the winds of paradise
wrapping around my torso,
daughters of the Gods
singing in my ears,
taking me to the deep fields
beyond the face of the Nebula,
through its harmonic doors,
up and up and up and up– -– - -
to wherever its wings
carry me to.

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