#EnglishWriters #Imagery #RhymedStanza #Victorian Aubade
AN OLD STORY. It was roses, roses, all the way, With myrtle mixed in my path like… The house-roofs seemed to heave an… The church-spires flamed, such fla…
That’s my last Duchess painted on… Looking as if she were alive. I c… That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pan… Worked busily a day, and there she… Will’t please you sit and look at…
Just for a handful of silver he le… Just for a riband to stick in his… Found the one gift of which fortun… Lost all the others she lets us de… They, with the gold to give, doled…
Nobly, nobly Cape Saint Vincent… Sunset ran, one glorious blood—red… Bluish 'mid the burning water, ful… In the dimmest North-East distanc… “Here and here did England help m…
I WILL be happy if but for once: Only help me, Autumn weather, Me and my cares to screen, ensconc… In luxury’s sofa-lap of leather! Sleep? Nay, comfort—with just a c…
You're my friend: I was the man the Duke spoke to; I helped the Duchess to cast off… So here's the tale from beginning… My friend!
All I can say is—I saw it! The room was as bare as your hand. I locked in the swarth little lady… From the head to the foot of her—w… ‘No Nautch shall cheat me,’ said…
“HEIGHO,” yawned one day King… “Distance all value enhances! When a man’s busy, why, leisure Strikes him as wonderful pleasure— ’Faith, and at leisure once is he?
Where the quiet—coloured end of ev… Miles and miles On the solitary pastures where our… Half—asleep Tinkle homeward thro’ the twilight…
Over the sea our galleys went, With cleaving prows in order brave… To a speeding wind and a bounding… A gallant armament: Each bark built out of a forest—tr…
He was the man—Pope Sixtus, that… He knew the right thing, did it, a… But of all he had to thank for, my… To thinking, what most moved him w… For one day, as his wont was, in j…
Hamelin Town's in Brunswick, By famous Hanover city; The river Weser, deep and wide, Washes its wall on the southern si… A pleasanter spot you never spied;
Oh Galuppi, Baldassaro, this is v… I can hardly misconceive you; it w… But although I take your meaning,… Here you come with your old music,… What, they lived once thus at Ven…
How I lived, ere my human life be… In this world of yours,—like you,… When my home was the Star of my G… Come then around me, close about, World-weary earth-born ones! Dark…