Richard Lovelace

Quinti Catuli.

Constiteram exorientem Auroram forte salutans,
 Cum subito a laeva Roscius exoritur.
Pace mihi liceat, coelestes, dicere vestra.
 Mortalis visu pulchrior esse deo.
Blanditur puero satyrus vultuque manuque;
 Nolenti similis retrahit ora puer:
Quem non commoveat, quamvis de marmore? fundit
 Pene preces satyrus, pene puer lachrymas.
As once I bad good morning to the day,
O’ th’ sudden Roscius breaks in a bright ray:
Gods with your favour, I’ve presum’d to see
A mortal fairer then a deitie.
With looks and hands a satyre courts the boy,
Who draws back his unwilling cheek as coy.
Although of marble hewn, whom move not they?
The boy ev’n seems to weep, the satyre, pray.
Otras obras de Richard Lovelace...
