Richard Lovelace

Lucasta's World. Epode

Cold as the breath of winds that blow
To silver shot descending snow,
   Lucasta sighed, when she did close
       The world in frosty chains!
   And then a frown to rubies froze
       The blood boiled in our veins;
Yet cooléd not the heat her sphere
Of beauties first had kindled there.
Then moved, and with sudden flame
Impatient to melt all again,
   Straight from her eyes she lightning hurled,
       And earth in ashes mourns;
   The sun his blaze denies the world,
       And in her luster burns;
Yet warméd not the hearts her nice
Disdain had first congealed to ice.
And now her tears nor grieved desire
Can quench this raging, pleasing fire;
   Fate but one way allows; behold
       Her smiles’ divinity!
   They fanned this heat, and thawed that cold,
       So framed up a new sky.
Thus earth from flames and ice reprieved,
E’er since hath in her sunshine lived.
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