Richard Lovelace

Avieni V. C. Ad Amicos

Rure morans, quid agam, respondi, pauca rogatus:
Mane, deum exoro famulos, post arvaque viso,
Partitusque meis justos indico labores;
Inde lego, Phoebumque cio, Musamque lacesso;
Tunc oleo corpus fingo, mollique palaestra
Stringo libens animo, gaudensque ac foenore liber
Prandeo, poto, cano, ludo, lavo, caeno, quiesco.
Ask’d in the country what I did, I said:
I view my men and meads, first having pray’d;
Then each of mine hath his just task outlay’d;
I read, Apollo court, I rouse my Muse;
Then I anoynt me, and stript willing loose
My self on a soft plat, from us’ry blest;
I dine, drink, sing, play, bath, I sup, I rest.
Otras obras de Richard Lovelace...
