Richard Le Gallienne

Time Flies

On drives the road-another mile! and still
Time’s horses gallop down the lessening hill
O why such haste, with nothing at the end!
Fain are we all, grim driver, to descend
And stretch with lingering feet the little way
That yet is ours-O stop thy horses, pray!
Yet, sister dear, if we indeed had grace
To win from Time one lasting halting-place,
Which out of all life’s valleys would we choose,
And, choosing-which with willingness would lose?
Would we as children be content to stay,
Because the children are as birds all day;
Or would we still as youngling lovers kiss,
Fearing the ardours of the greater bliss?
The maid be still a maid and never know
Why mothers love their little blossoms so
Or can the mother be content her bud
Shall never open out of babyhood?
Ah yes, Time flies because we fain would fly,
It is such ardent souls as you and I,
Greedy of living, give his wings to him–
And now we grumble that he uses them!
Otras obras de Richard Le Gallienne...
