Richard Le Gallienne

The Magic Flower

You bear a flower in your hand,
You softly take it through the air,
Lest it should be too roughly fanned,
And break and fall, for all your care.
Love is like that, the lightest breath
Shakes all its blossoms o’er the land,
And its mysterious cousin, Death,
Waits but to snatch it from your hand.
O some day, should your hand forget,
Your guardian eyes stray otherwhere,
Your cheeks shall all in vain be wet,
Vain all your penance and your prayer.
God gave you once this creature fair,
You two mysteriously met;
By Time’s strange stream
There stood this Dream,
This lovely Immortality
Given your mortal eyes to see,
That might have been your darling yet;
But in the place
Of her strange face
Sorrow will stand forever more,
And Sorrow’s hand be on your brow,
And vainly you shall watch the door
For her so lightly with you now,
And all the world be as before.
Ah; Spring shall sing and Summer bloom,
And flowers fill Life’s empty room,
And all the singers sing in vain,
Nor bring you back your flower again.
O have a care!—for this is all:
Let not your magic blossom fall.
Autres oeuvres par Richard Le Gallienne...
