Richard Le Gallienne


When the Sun and the Golden Day
Hand in hand are gone away,
At your door shall Sleep and Night
Come and knock in the fair twilight;
Let them in, twin travellers blest;
Each shall be an honoured guest,
And give you rest.
They shall tell of the stars and moon,
And their lips shall move to a glad sweet tune,
Till upon your cool, white bed
Fall at last your nodding head;
Then in dreamland fair and blest,
Farther off than East and West,
They give you rest.
Night and Sleep, that goodly twain,
Tho’ they go, shall come again;
When your work and play are done,
And the Sun and Day are gone
Hand in hand thro’ the scarlet West,
Each shall come, an honoured guest,
And bring you rest.
Watching at your window-sill,
If upon the Eastern hill
Sun and Day come back no more,
They shall lead you from the door
To their kingdom calm and blest,
Farther off than East or West,
And give you rest.
Autres oeuvres par Richard Le Gallienne...
