Richard Le Gallienne

Ad Cimmerios

(A Prefatory Sonnet for
SANTA LUCIA, the Misses Hodgkin’s
Magazine for the Blind)
We, deeming day-light fair, and loving well
Its forms and dyes, and all the motley play
Of lives that win their colour from the day,
Are fain some wonder of it all to tell
To you that in that elder kingdom dwell
Of Ancient Night, and thus we make assay
Day to translate to Darkness, so to say,
To talk Cimmerian for a little spell.
Yet, as we write, may we not doubt lest ye
Should smile on us, as once our fathers smiled,
When we made vaunt of joys they knew no more;
Knowing great dreams young eyes can never see,
Dwelling in peace unguessed of any child–
Will ye smile thus upon our daylight lore?
Autres oeuvres par Richard Le Gallienne...
