Tis a tale of a captain kidd drinks thy rum it was lots of fun being a pirate bum
Over the hills sit dan windy rain with sam we begin to date ham walk down the stairs fair to share we stare
Farewell thy fair day to the last fade of light look up westward site sun downward thee soar wee shall meet no more
Devine thy templar help to the poor bears of thy cross to pilgrims land five part star to order
The curse of humanity to bear thy sick art limp rabbit’s in fields i so cry displeasure in thee to live in thy plain
My dear love thee the world is so free my heart sad apart fears of thy fate hate maybe our last date
Mr plump and mr plimp to meet and have tea by the sea they both stink not had a wash
There are bridges. to cross and the way is long but a purpose in life will make you strong
In spite of fathers sternest strictures sue spent each evening at the pictures you see a lot of reels he said
tis the auld pub on kirkconnel main street were miners meet a jug of ale was a rare treat
The red and blue retreat in battle to fight another day will soon be back where they belong
walk as i talk backpack to sack of a trying day to the end thy hill what a weary day
Fare to dare to fly in the sky not to stare on ryanair for we not see dolly oh golly
send four clowns near the downs hotel was sound glory all around posmere hotel is found
Titanic white a star fine shoe shine down the line sail softly in the calm seas eat and drink happy times music plays softly so devine