Richard Eggenberger

Undying Love

Undying Love
All that I was before and yet shall be
I give to you, beloved of the stars,
How many seas remind me of your eyes,
How many islands refuge in your arms,
And when upon your breast my thinking slept
The deeper sleep of calm and passionless
As you prepared to leave this too-brief life,
My tears fell silently in my distress.
This earthly soul now walks in forests lone,
Speaks poetry to flowers and receives
The blessings of the winds who kiss these eyes,
Remembering we never must look back,
And yet, and yet, the poignant moments come
Like friends long gone who come to stay awhile
Renewing friendship’s bonds and old delights.
But I am called, a voice from distant shores
Sings in my heart and a new music comes
Of griefless skies and joy upon the wing.
Undying love is stamped upon my soul.

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