#Americans #Suicide
Forget love I want to die in your yellow hair
Oh, pretty girl, you have trapped yourself in the wrong body.Twenty extra pounds hang like a lumpy tapestry on your perfect mammal na… Three months ago you were like a
We stopped at perfect days and got out of the car. The wind glanced at her hair. It was as simple as that. I turned to say something—
THE PUDDING MASTER OF STANLEY BASIN Tree, snow and rock beginnings, th… lake promised us eternity, but the… thousands of silly minnows, swimmi…
The petals of the vagina unfold like Christofer Columbus taking off his shoes. Is there anything more beautiful than the bow of a ship
O beautiful was the werewolf in his evil forest. We took him to the carnival
I don’t know what it is, but I distrust myself when I start to like a girl a lot.
La voyageuse qui traverse les Hal… Marchait sur la pointe des pieds Le désespoir roulait au ciel ses g… Et dans le sac à main il y avait… Que seule a respiré la marraine de…
At 1:30 in the morning a fart smells like a marriage between an avocado and a fish head. I have to get out of bed to write this down without
The Galilee Hitch-Hiker Part 1 Baudelaire was driving a Model A across Galilee.
Less time than it takes to say it,… of everything, there you have it.… as my fingers and some others; I’v… were willing to accpet them. I’ve… longer know what to think of suici…
This poem was found written on a p… Brautigan in a laundromat in San…
I am standing in the cemetery at… What did Judy say? ‘God-forsaken… A very old man who has cancer on h… care of the cemetery, is raking a… manner as to almost (polish it lik…
ZAP! unlaid / 20 days
It seemed like years before I picked a bouquet