#Americans #Suicide
Ah, you’re just a copy of all the candy bars I’ve ever eaten.
At 1:30 in the morning a fart smells like a marriage between an avocado and a fish head. I have to get out of bed to write this down without
The petals of the vagina unfold like Christofer Columbus taking off his shoes. Is there anything more beautiful than the bow of a ship
Thinking hard about you I got on the bus and paid 30 cents car fare and asked the driver for two trans… before discovering
I walked across the park to the fe… It was in the center of a glass sq… by red flowers and fountains. The… was in the shape of a sea horse an… We got hot and died.
There are no postage stamps that s… back to England three centuries ag… no postage stamps that make letter… travel back until the grave hasn’t… and John Donne stands looking out…
SEA, SEA RIDER The man who owned the bookstore wa… three-legged crow on the dandelion… He was, of course, a Jew, a retir… who had been torpedoed in the Nort…
she tries to get things out of men that she can’t get because she’s not 15% prettier
I don’t care how God-damn smart these guys are: I’m bored. It’s been raining like hell all da… and there’s nothing to do.
Oh, pretty girl, you have trapped yourself in the wrong body.Twenty extra pounds hang like a lumpy tapestry on your perfect mammal na… Three months ago you were like a
With his hat on he’s about five inches taller than a taxicab.
ZAP! unlaid / 20 days
If you will die for me, I will die for you and our graves will be like two lo… their clothes together in a laundromat
A RETURN TO THE COVER OF THIS BOOK Dear Trout Fishing in America: I met your friend Fritz in Washin… to tell you that his case went to…
There are doors that want to be free from their hinges to fly with perfect clouds. There are windows