#Americans #Suicide
WITNESS FOR TROUT FISHI… IN AMERICA PEACE In San Francisco around Easter t… trout fishing in America peace par… of red stickers printed and they p…
THE AUTOPSY OF TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA This is the autopsy of Trout Fish… Fishing in America had been Lord… Missolonghi, Greece, and afterwar…
I feel horrible. She doesn’t love me and I wander around like a sewing machine that’s just finished sewing a turd to a garbage can lid.
I go to bed in Los Angeles thinki… about you.
Less time than it takes to say it,… of everything, there you have it.… as my fingers and some others; I’v… were willing to accpet them. I’ve… longer know what to think of suici…
O beautiful was the werewolf in his evil forest. We took him to the carnival
A trout-colored wind blows through my eyes, through my finger… and I remember how the trout used to hide from the dinosaurs when they came to drink at the riv…
It’s a star that looks like a poker game above the mountains of eastern Oregon. There are three men playing.
When you take your pill it’s like a mine disaster. I think of all the people lost inside of you.
Oh, Marcia, I want your long blonde beauty to be taught in high school, so kids will learn that God lives like music in the skin
she tries to get things out of men that she can’t get because she’s not 15% prettier
I walked across the park to the fe… It was in the center of a glass sq… by red flowers and fountains. The… was in the shape of a sea horse an… We got hot and died.
The Galilee Hitch-Hiker Part 1 Baudelaire was driving a Model A across Galilee.
At 1:30 in the morning a fart smells like a marriage between an avocado and a fish head. I have to get out of bed to write this down without
Yup. A long lazy September look in the mirror say it’s true. I’m 31