#Americans #Suicide
With his hat on he’s about five inches taller than a taxicab.
There are no postage stamps that s… back to England three centuries ag… no postage stamps that make letter… travel back until the grave hasn’t… and John Donne stands looking out…
ANOTHER METHOD OF MAKING WALNUT CATSUP And this is a very small cookbook… as if Trout Fishing in America we… Trout Fishing in America had Mar…
A piece of green pepper fell off the wooden salad bowl: so what?
We left Little Redfish for Lake Josephus, traveling along the good names—from Stanley to Capehorn to Seafoam to the Rapid River, up Float Creek, past the Greyhound Mine and then to Lake...
There are doors that want to be free from their hinges to fly with perfect clouds. There are windows
The petals of the vagina unfold like Christofer Columbus taking off his shoes. Is there anything more beautiful than the bow of a ship
THE COVER FOR TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA The cover for Trout Fishing in A… late in the afternoon, a photograp… statue in San Francisco’s Washing…
I am standing in the cemetery at… What did Judy say? ‘God-forsaken… A very old man who has cancer on h… care of the cemetery, is raking a… manner as to almost (polish it lik…
If I were to live my life in catfish forms in scaffolds of skin and whiskers at the bottom of a pond and you were to come by
Forget love I want to die in your yellow hair
ZAP! unlaid / 20 days
I don’t care how God-damn smart these guys are: I’m bored. It’s been raining like hell all da… and there’s nothing to do.
Yup. A long lazy September look in the mirror say it’s true. I’m 31
I like to think (and the sooner the better!) of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually