I gotta be honest
I don’t even know how to start this poem.
Just as it had always been,
I can never find the right words when it comes to you.
For some odd reason, I can’t stop thinking about that night.
You know, the night you showed your weak side to me,
when we went up to Boulder;
the night that I discovered I had fallen for you.
That was a night that you opened up to me;
cried on my shoulder, sought out comfort.
When you caught me from running down the stairs,
and never left my side.
You laid your head on my lap,
and my fingers danced in your hair.
You almost fell asleep, but you heard me singing instead.
Then you told me you couldn’t.
That was the night you first kissed me,
a night that I sometimes remember.
You know, some people say you meet your soulmate in high school.
I thought I did for a bit there.
But then you continued to hurt me,
embarrass me, break me down.
You were the one who took many of my firsts;
you’re always gonna have a part of me
Now I question if those decisions were smart.
If I was right to let my emotions take over.
If the time in November was real,
or that time in the summer.
I told a friend that I thought it might’ve been cause of social media.
Either way though, you’re on my mind now,
and I can’t get you out.