Raechelle M



You didn’t realize what you were doing. I wouldn’t call it innocence but selfishness.
You had me rapped around your finger in love and all. Thinking you felt the same way but I was blinded by the fakeness of your actions.
Months later I found out that you will be having a great delivery on the way. What does that make me not number one but number two.
I no longer exist, I am another ex on your wall of the past. You pretending to be in love? You played that role one hundred and ten percent with no soul.
My mind knows the things you did and so does my heart. But in my mind I have moved on while my heart still remains with your name on it.
I wasn’t just in love it was more. But the feeling was not mutual, I was destined to falling love with you and you were destined to break me. And now I need a warrior to come pick up the pieces from where you threw my heart to the ground.
I look for closure many places and I have been denied . I know God has something in store for me and I push and push and push to make it happen myself when I should just let it happen.
I have the biggest heart and I say the sweetest things but my heart is still torn from the actions of you. I have hatred in my heart but I will no longer let that determine me.
Because I am my own warrior, God is my warrior and me and him together will not just succeed but we will fight to the Death.


New for me. First poem in two years!!.. Tell me what you think

