#IndianWriters #NobelPrize
Most of the lyrics of love and life, the translations of which from Bengali are published in this book, were written much earlier than the series of religious poems contained in the boo...
You walked by the riverside path w… Why did you swiftly turn your face… That gleaming look from the dark c… It came to me like the bird of the… You are hidden as a star behind th…
In the village they call her the d… but to me she is the flower Krishn… On a cloudy day in a field I saw the dark girl’s dark gazelle… She had no covering on her head,
The song that I came to sing rema… I have spent my days in stringing… The time has not come true, the wo… only there is the agony of wishing… The blossom has not opened; only t…
When the gong sounds ten in the mo… lane. Every day I meet the hawker cryin… bangles!” There is nothing to hurry him on,…
O Fool, try to carry thyself upon… O beggar, to come beg at thy own d… Leave all thy burdens on his hands… and never look behind in regret. Thy desire at once puts out the li…
One day in spring, a woman came In my lonely woods, In the lovely form of the Beloved… Came, to give to my songs, melodie… To give to my dreams, sweetness.
I was walking by the road, I do n… The prone shadows with their out-s… The koels were weary of their song… I was walking by the road, I do n… The hut by the side of the water i…
Why did he choose to come to my do… As I come in and out I pass by hi… I know not if I should speak to h… The cloudy nights in July are dar… He weaves his songs with fresh tun…
The butterfly counts not months bu… and has time enough. Time is a wealth of change, but the clock in its parody makes… Let your life lightly dance on the…
Mother, the folk who live up in th… “We play from the time we wake til… We play with the golden dawn, we p… I ask, “But how am I to get up to… They answer, “Come to the edge of…
She dwelt here by the pool with it… an evening she had watched the moo… bamboo leaves, and on many a rainy… had come to her over the young sho… Her pet name is known here among t…
The workman and his wife from the west country are busy digging to make bricks for the kiln. Their little daughter goes to the landing-place by the river; there she has no end of scouri...
In desperate hope I go and search… My house is small and what once ha… But infinite is thy mansion, my lo… I stand under the golden canopy of… I have come to the brink of eterni…
On the day when the lotus bloomed,… and I knew it not. My basket was… Only now and again a sadness fell… dream and felt a sweet trace of a… That vague sweetness made my heart…