#IndianWriters #NobelPrize
The boat of the boatman Madhu is… It is uselessly laden with jute, a… for ever so long. If he would only lend me his boat,… hundred oars, and hoist sails, fiv…
Then finish the last song and let… Forget this night when the night i… Whom do I try to clasp in my arms… My eager hands press emptiness to…
At dawn shey(1) departed My mind tried to console me — ' Everything is Maya(2)'. Angrily I replied: 'Here’s this sewing box on the tab…
Where do you hurry with your baske… They all have come home with their… The echoes of the voices calling f… Where do you hurry with your baske… Sleep has laid her fingers upon th…
He whispered, “My love, raise you… I sharply chid him, and said “Go!… He stood before me and held both m… He brought his face near my ear.… His lips touched my cheek. I tre…
Your questioning eyes are sad. T… I have bared my life before your e… If it were only a gem I could bre… If it were only a flower, round an… But it is a heart, my beloved. W…
O you shaggy—headed banyan tree st… have you forgotten the little chil… nested in your branches and left y… Do you not remember how he sat at… the tangle of your roots and plung…
When the creation was new and all… splendor, the gods held their asse… `Oh, the picture of perfection! th… But one cried of a sudden ——`It seems that somewhere there i…
Come to my garden walk, my love.… press themselves on your sight. Pa… chance joy, which like a sudden wo… elude. For lover’s gift is shy, it never…
When I bring you coloured toys, m… is such a play of colours on cloud… painted in tints—when I give colou… When I sing to make you dance, I… in leaves, and why waves send thei…
When the gong sounds ten in the mo… lane. Every day I meet the hawker cryin… bangles!” There is nothing to hurry him on,…
To the guests that must go bid Go… Take to your bosom with a smile wh… To-day is the festival of phantoms… Let your laughter be but a meaning… Let your life lightly dance on the…
This song of mine will wind its mu… This song of mine will touch your… When you are alone it will sit by… My song will be like a pair of win… It will be like the faithful star…
Early in the day it was whispered… only thou and I, and never a soul… pilgrimage to no country and to no… In that shoreless ocean, at thy silently listening smile my…
“Come and hire me,” I cried, whil… Sword in hand, the King came in h… He held my hand and said, “I will… But his power counted for nought,… In the heat of the midday the hous…