Qanubast Verse

Weed Shall, Weed Shall Overcome!!!!!

We shall overcome cannabis tyranny
The people of the world shall prosper
By the power of the flower of laughter
And medicate with a holistic remedy
We shall forever oppose an evil edict
That denies the benefits of cannabis
Oppressing nature’s remedy is illogic
The cannabis plant grows too prolific
Babilon forces cannot stop cultivation
Or stop the action of herb germination
Babilon agents cannot stamp out herb
Weed is growing wild across the world
They do not have the manpower or will
Weed prohibition is much too lucrative
They’ll carry on squeezing and pinching
Confisicating, fining and imprisonment
Babilon makes too much profit to stop
They care not for the suffering of folks
Or for the liberty of cannabis gardeners
The cannabis ban is a nice likkle earner
Babilon intends to proctect its interests
Their business is in jeopardy from herb
They intend to dominate legal cannabis
Oppress us with tyrannical legal pot law
But we shall oppose babilon deceptions
We say NO to their cannabis shenanigan
We shall overcome cannabis oppression

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